Saturday 20 August 2011


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TREAT HEMORRHOID NATURALLY: RELIEF WITH A NATURAL HEMORRHOID CURE: Because hemorrhoids are a natural problem within the body, that usually means there is a natural remedy. Your body reacts to imbalances a...


Because hemorrhoids are a natural problem within the body, that usually means there is a natural remedy. Your body reacts to imbalances and environmental changes by displaying symptoms and illness. Hemorrhoids are caused by a number of factors but primarily occur when you are constipated and lack the proper fiber in your diet to make passable stool. Other causes are pregnancy, straining during a bowel movement, sitting for long periods of time without physical activity and the list goes on. To correct the problem we should use a natural hemorrhoid cure.
Don't be alarmed at the sight or notice of a hemorrhoid. Yes, the symptoms may seem overwhelming, but with the following knowledge we can take care of the symptoms right away and eliminate the problem all together. You are not alone as many people suffer from this very common condition.
It has been proven that witch hazel, a natural remedy, works wonders as a great hemorrhoid cure. It has the ability to reduce swelling because its an astringent. When the swelling goes down, the pain becomes much more tolerable during bowel movements. Bowel movements are important to make, even if you don't want to because of the pain it causes. Avoiding a bowel movement will allow the stool to become even harder and more difficult to pass.
Begin to take a fiber supplement to counter act the solid stool. A diet low in fiber is the number one reason for hemorrhoids. You can loosen up your stool with the additional quantities of fiber added to your diet making it easier and less painful to pass the stool. Another hemorrhoid cure to soften stool and relieve the painful symptoms is inserting a peeled garlic clove into the anus. Don't worry about it's position in the rectal area as your next bowel movement will remove it easily. You will notice a drastic difference once using this method. During the process of finding and using a hemorrhoid cure, apply aloe vera gel to the affected area. This is a natural way to stop the itching and burning.

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A Natural Way to Alleviate Hemorrhoids Pain

An internal hemorrhoid is a condition comprised of veins that become swollen and inflamed inside the anus. They are mainly caused by a poor diet and decreased fiber intake. Straining also causes them as well as obesity and pregnancy. Usually diarrhea and constipation are associated with them as well.

Another common and simple hemorrhoid home remedy is the application of ice and heat to shrink the hemorrhoid and encourage it to heal. Apply ice, such as a single ice cube, to the hemorrhoid or the anal area, for at 10 minutes every day. Then apply a moist, warm towel to the anal area for up to 20 minutes. This is best done after an aggravating bowel movement that has caused pain or irritation to the hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoid sufferers often seek treatments in a doctors office. A common procedure is banding hemorrhoids which will likely be considered by a doctor. Banding hemorrhoids involves the removal of hemorrhoids by placing a rubber band around it, effectively cutting off the blood supply. After a couple of weeks, the hemorrhoid will fall off. Unfortunately, banding hemorrhoids can cause several complications. These include infection, blood clots which will cause further problems with hemorrhoids, increased discomfort instead of pain relief, and excessive bleeding. These complications make many people wary of banding hemorrhoids.

There are ways that may help prevent hemorrhoids, such as, eating a high fiber diet. When you eat a high fiber diet or bran, or rouhage, it helps to retain more water in your stool, allowing the bowel movement to be softer and easier for you to pass. When you have the urge to have a bowel movement do not prevent it from happening, drink plenty of liquids and exercise to help the bowl movement to be more frequent.

Witch hazel is a soothing form of astringent that eases the pain of pile bruising, another name for bruising of the hemorrhoids. When using Witch hazel hemorrhoids will be relieved of the painful swelling involved and once again the afflicted individual will be able to sit down with less discomfort and overall pain.

People have found many ways to help ease and temporarily relieve the hurt of painful hemorrhoids. None of these methods are permanent and they will occasionally have to go through the process again. There are very few methods, whether it be medical or natural, relieves all symptoms at once or in a timely matter. A new natural treatment is known to cure and help prevent painful hemorrhoids. Calmovil helps by dissolving blood clots within the hemorrhoid while strengthening veins. In addition to stopping bleeding, Calmovil also has anti-inflammatory effects. Although there are very many ways to help relieve hemorrhoid and hemorrhoidal pain, for fastest relief, Calmovil is the route to take.

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Hemorrhoids pain is from a swelling or inflammation of the blood vessels in and around the anus. The pain from hemorrhoids can be mild and intermittent, or almost excruciating and constant, or anywhere in between. There are a number of ways to alleviate the pain, some taking care of the pain only, and others that try to fix the problem.

There are a number of reasons that people get bleeding internal hemorrhoids. In the anal passage the formation of padding is normal, it is when this padding becomes enlarged that the hemorrhoid becomes a health problem. Some of the common causes for this enlargement can be the the extra stain put on the bowel when someone has a chronic problem with being constipated. They are also said to be a natural sign of aging
when the blood vessles in the anal passage are not working as well as they did when the body was young.

The first step to curing hemorrhoids is first easing the symptoms. Keeping the area clean and maintaining a healthy diet can help calm the painful hemorrhoids. Most additional discomfort comes from constipation, a good diet of fiber, fruits and veggies can lessen the pressure. In addition to cleaning the area, warm sitz baths and heating pads have been known to also relieve the swelling and itching.

There are many products on the market that utilize witch hazel. Hemorrhoids are the three varicose veins inside the anus that swell during bowel movements and the various creams and solutions made up of the herb witch hazel go by several names. The usage instructions will vary with each individual type of witch hazel hemorrhoids treatment.

Over-the-counter treatment options for hemorrhoids include topical creams, suppositories, stool softeners and fiber. In mild cases, these treatments can be effective in providing temporary relief and allow the hemorrhoids to become less irritated. However, these methods to not address the root cause of hemorrhoids, and the problem is almost certain to reappear soon.
Venapro is an effective solution for curing hemorrhoids. Its clinically proven ingredients are both natural and effective. The success of Venapro has been proven with clinical trials. In these trials, Venapro has been demonstrated to relieve itchy, painful, and inflamed hemorrhoids. Doctors agree about hemorrhoids and how to naturally cure them. Venapro is #1 doctor recommended. With its money back guarantee and 60 day risk free trial, Venapro is the obvious choice for anyone looking for a completely natural remedy for hemorrhoids
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